Watch The 2020 Memorial Day Program


2020 Featured Speaker
Col. Tiffany N. Harris
United States Marine Corps Commander

United States Marine Corps Col. Tiffany N. Harris’ personal decorations include the Joint Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (5th award), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (3rd award). Full Bio


Cherokee’s 2020 Memorial Day Celebration

Each year on Memorial Day we honor those who fought and died for the freedoms we hold so dear as Americans. On this day of recognition we also salute our deceased veterans, those who are still with us, as well as those who are actively serving in the Armed Forces today. Our traditional Memorial Day Service will only be shown online this year. The Avenue of Flags will still fly along with the:

2020 Memorial Day Flag Tributes

63rd Annual Avenue of Flags
1,031 Large Veterans Flags

Veterans Burial Sites
7,892 Small American Flags

Killed in Action Flags
Marking burial sites of 40 War Heros

Field of Flags
In memory 6,995 combat veterans killed in Iraq & Afghanistan

Online Memorial Day Service information

Due to the health and safety concerns brought about by the Coronavirus, Cherokee Memorial Park and Funeral Home is producing a Memorial Day Service that can be streamed online, more information about this online service to come, please check back for updates.
