August 18, 1927 - January 25, 2021
Alma Louise ("Lou") Silver passed away Monday, January 25, at the age of 93, of natural causes. She had lived at O'Connor Woods since 2004, and was in hospice there for her final weeks. Due to the attentive care that Lou received at O'Connor Woods, for which her family will always be grateful, she was able to avoid the Covid-19 virus.
Born in Fanshawe, Oklahoma in 1927, Lou came to California after the Dust Bowl. Her family made the trip in a pickup truck, with Lou and her three sisters riding in the truck's bed.
Lou met her loving husband Richard "Dick" Silver while working as a carhop at a drive-in, and enjoyed 57 years of marriage, raising three children and traveling extensively until Dick's passing in 2004. Lou worked as a telephone operator for Pacific Bell, and as a receptionist for the San Joaquin County Probation Department.
Lou went through life with a joy that was contagious to those around her. Her favorite time of year was spring. She once wrote "The earth is waking up with colorful flowers, trees are budding, birds sing. It seems more like a new year than January to me." Lou also found humor in many situations.
She enjoyed bowling, line-dancing, emailing jokes and advice, and Elvis impersonators well into her eighties and nineties, and along with Dick, volunteered with the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Team of Active Retired Seniors (S.T.A.R.S.). The two also participated in many overseas trips where they helped build churches for underserved communities.
Her children and grandchildren remember her as a devoted mother and grandmother, devout Baptist, Blue Bird Leader and room mother, fastidious dresser, fierce Scrabble player who showed no mercy to children, and a constant provider of encouragement, Fudgesicles and 50/50 bars.
Lou is survived by her sister Virble "Kathy" Yeadon, of San Jose, her three children, Richard "Ben" Silver, Marianne DeDios, and Patricia Dias, of Stockton, and multiple grandchildren residing in California, Hawaii, Idaho, and Virginia.
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Cherokee Memorial is honored to serve the Silver family.