Melvin Barosso

August 21, 1938 - May 4, 2020

Melvin John Barosso born August 21st, 1942, died May 4th, 2020. Melvin was survived by his son, Todd Anthony Barosso, and daughters Dana Petri Barosso and Janna Nichole Barosso. He was a loving Nonno to his Grandson Vincent Antonio Barosso. Mel was the son of Louis and Bernice Marie Barosso.
Melvin was a San Joaquin County farmer for over 60 years. He was a graduate of Tokay High School and attended San Joaquin Delta College. Mel was a member of the Italian Athletic Club, the Italian Gardners Society, Loyal Order of Moose, National Rifle Association and Ducks Unlimited.
Mel loved fishing and hunting which he has passed down to his children.

We would like to have a memorial for Mel but due to present Covid-19 restrictions we are going to postpone his celebration of life for the near future.

Please leave your condolences below.

Cherokee Memorial is honored to serve the Barosso family.